We rehearse on Tuesdays from 7:00-9:00 pm in downtown Attleboro, MA, 5 minutes from I-95 and a short walk from the Attleboro MBTA commuter rail station. Our season typically runs from September through May. You can listen to us sing on this website, on YouTube, or by watching Season 4 of WGBH TV's Sing That Thing! (OP appears in episodes 5 & 7). To schedule an audition, please contact us at: [email protected]
Now is best leisure to take oure pleasure ... from Thomas Morley's Sing We and Chant It
Oure Pleasure Singers is a small group of vocalists dedicated to the joy of serious music-making. Comprised of singers from Providence, Attleboro, and surrounding communities, the ensemble sings an eclectic variety of music, ranging from plainchant to jazz, and embracing both the sacred and the secular.
Based in Attleboro MA, Oure Pleasure was founded in 1983 by friends who were seeking the special enjoyment of a small, closely-knit vocal ensemble. In its earlier days, Oure Pleasure concentrated on madrigals and music of the Renaissance and Medieval periods, and its name is borrowed from the words of the madrigal Sing We and Chant It, once its signature piece.
Oure Pleasure Singers is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and all donations are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.